"This mug is from our favorite bookstore in Manhattan. Books of Wonder. Best children's bookstore of all time. Period. It's where Meg Ryan works in You've Got Mail. Same place. (she actually worked there a couple of days when researching the role) Store is charming. Books are gorgeous. Staff know all things about every children's book - old and new. When the girls were growing up we wiled away many snowy/rainy/sunny afternoons there discovering wonderful treasures. To get your hands on one of these mugs you had to spend a certain amount on books - then they'd toss one in your bag for free. (well, sort of) Way too easy for us to do. Seems we could never get out of that place without breaking the bank. So, at one point, I think we had around 1/2 dozen of these beauties. Some broke. Some were given away. And the remaining ones I use every day. They are the perfect size, wonderful to hold and simply gorgeous. Looking at them always reminds me of New York, the girls when they were little and how much fun I had reading to them. And how much this tiny store had to do with growing them into the devoted bookworms/bibliophiles they are to this day. I tried to take some close up shots so you can see the great story characters wrapped around it ... all with their nose in a book! The girls tease me because I honestly treasure these things. My absolute favorite."
I too think this mug would be a nice one to hold in my hands and admire. Here are the photos of the coffee mug that Denise described.
This mug is just so cute! It almost makes me what to start reading....almost.
This is my favorite!! LOVE it! I have so many mugs you need to take pictures of. When you come over for dinner, bring your camera! :)