Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I know, I know...you don't have to tell me. I already feel like a failure because I can't keep up with this blog everyday. I think I came to the conclusion that I would rather have posts when I feel inspired rather than make this feel like a chore. Sooo, with that said I am still going to update as much as possible but only when I feel like it. :) Whooo! Sure glad I got that off my chest.

Now on to the coffee mugs!

This next mug reminds me of the next art project I have taken up, making paper look old. So far I have only tried the tea bag trick by making some tea and then smearing the tea bag across the paper. Not too pretty as I just now tried it, oh well!

This coffee mug looks a lot better than the paper I am trying to age.

This coffee mug seriously wants me..wait!!! I didn't mean to type that! I mean, this coffee mug seriously makes me want some tea. And thats the story I'm sticking to.

Another angle shall we?

I love the shape of the handle. No one's hand is shaped like that, but we'll go with it anyways, won't we? 

If you could give this coffee mug's color an artsy color name what would you give it? Let's get a conversation going in the comments!
Ex. Frothy chocolate mocha brown.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


This next coffee mug makes me hungry. It reminds me of some kind of baked good with icing on top. Yum... my mouth is salivating just thinking of it. I love the uniqueness of this mug and of the mugs I have been receiving.

This coffee mug definitely looks about the right size for some hot chocolate. I could really go for some now. Is it cold in anyone else's place right now?

Ahhhh, the baked good with icing and right size for hot chocolate coffee mug! What a treat!

Thanks to Jaime R. for sending this one in!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wonderful Mug

This next mug and story comes once again from Denise M. I love the story that comes from her mug. Denise writes,

"This mug is from our favorite bookstore in Manhattan. Books of Wonder. Best children's bookstore of all time. Period. It's where Meg Ryan works in You've Got Mail. Same place. (she actually worked there a couple of days when researching the role) Store is charming. Books are gorgeous. Staff know all things about every children's book - old and new. When the girls were growing up we wiled away many snowy/rainy/sunny afternoons there discovering wonderful treasures. To get your hands on one of these mugs you had to spend a certain amount on books - then they'd toss one in your bag for free. (well, sort of) Way too easy for us to do. Seems we could never get out of that place without breaking the bank. So, at one point, I think we had around 1/2 dozen of these beauties. Some broke. Some were given away. And the remaining ones I use every day. They are the perfect size, wonderful to hold and simply gorgeous. Looking at them always reminds me of New York, the girls when they were little and how much fun I had reading to them. And how much this tiny store had to do with growing them into the devoted bookworms/bibliophiles they are to this day. I tried to take some close up shots so you can see the great story characters wrapped around it ... all with their nose in a book! The girls tease me because I honestly treasure these things. My absolute favorite."

I too think this mug would be a nice one to hold in my hands and admire. Here are the photos of the coffee mug that Denise described.

This mug is just so cute! It almost makes me what to start reading....almost.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Ninja Coffee

So I decided, if you visit my blog daily you will understand this, that I will not post on the weekend or if I do it will be rare. I know you are crying right about now, SNAP OUT OF IT! :) The reason for not posting on the weekend? I am usually out and about or out of town...which makes it hard for me to make a post.

Let's not focus on the negative and lets get into "Ninja Coffee." So I know you must be intrigued by this. Well let's just say I think this coffee mug might be what ninjas drink out of...

BAM! Look at those ninja stars on the coffee mug! Okay, so maybe the color is off, but hey, a ninja has to relax and not be intense all the time right? So maybe he wants to drink a cup of coffee out of a blue coffee mug, don't judge him!  Let's get a close view of the ninja stars.

Hm... those ninja stars all of a sudden are starting to look like flowers. Let's go with it anyways...a ninja doesn't want to think of work at home. Plus his wife bought him this mug and she doesn't know he is a ninja. There! Problem solved.  Glad we got that out of the way. You may now continue your day in peace.

Thanks to Jaime R. from San Clemente for sending this mug in!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Coffee mug?

Hi All!

This next "coffee mug" comes from a pharmacist I so love and hold near to my heart, my dad. My dad is all about witty jokes that make you say "wah wah wah" after you hear them. Well the only problem with that is the gene is apparently hereditary and I seemed to have received it. But that's a whole other story altogether...not that you couldn't tell from the awesome sense of humor I have.

Oh right! Back to the coffee mug, well here it is:

This is in fact the first submission I received, so I thought I would post it even though it's not technically a coffee mug. My dad would suggest otherwise with the following defense:

"Here is a coffee cup. Ever heard of Irish Coffee?
This is for Farmacyst Coffee:
6oz strong coffee mixed with
1 oz of a secret ingredient pictured .

(disclaimer: THIS is a JOKE !
Before anybody calls the TV show

Oh Dad, no one will be calling Intervention. But, my readers might start requesting for me to ONLY post coffee mugs and not measuring tools. Okay and to make up for this post not having a coffee mug so far, I will post one now.

If only I would have started this blog a tad bit earlier, it would have been great with all these Christmas coffee mugs. This coffee mug is brought to you by Jaime R. I am sorry I don't have a close up picture of the text, but if you can read it...well you have great eye sight and good for you! No, but in all seriousness it has a cute little inspirational saying.

Okay, must be heading off to work now! Take care all of you and keep those coffee mug submissions coming. You can go into the about section of me and send me an email!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

How the Germans make coffee mugs

First off, Thank you all for the coffee mug submissions! I am sadly dwindling down on my own coffee mug collection and I love seeing other mugs! You all are making this possible with your awesome coffee mugs! Yeahhhh!

This next mug and story comes to you from Denise M. She writes, "[This] mug is, I think, from Germany. Many years ago a friend of mine sent 2 of them for Christmas. She was living there at the time and claimed that they were a pretty popular kid item in those parts. On first look, I didn't get it. Pretty and porcelain, sure. But too precious and knickknacky for my taste. As soon as the holidays were over I had plans to pack them away in the basement. But by then the girls had figured out the handles were also straws. Yes. That's right. I said straws! For almost a year the girls would drink from nothing else. I keep them around now because I can't bring myself to banish something that worked so hard for so much love."

And I know the anticipation is killing you all so I will go ahead and post the mug.

Right....about now...

okay, I really will this time.

When looking at this mug, I can't get over that the handle is a straw. What a fantastic idea! I would classify this mug as vintage with functionality. Thanks again Denise M. We will have more coffee mugs from Denise later on along with the wonderful stories that are with them.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ho, ho, uh oh!

I must say this next mug is one of my guilty pleasures and soon you will see why. I received it this past Christmas from my grandmother with some other goodies too. This mug was well, unexpected to say the least but also very welcomed because it is a coffee mug. And here's the story...

I complained all Christmas because I didn't have any Christmas decorations and hinted in many ways to people that I wanted some. I even made and gave my husband Christmas ornaments for Christmas...I still don't know if he was thrilled to have them as much as I am, but that's besides the point. Anywho, my grandma hands me a paper grocery bag with delightful Christmas decorations ranging from a clock that chimes a Christmas song every hour to a sleigh that has a bear and floral decorations in it. The last thing I happen to pull out of the bag was this:

Does this scream terror to anyone besides me? I feel like Santa would be saying, in a creepy voice of course, "Yesss, Yesss drink my brains, be a little good girl and do it." I don't know why anyone would want to drink out of anyone's head, PERIOD. I don't care how famous you are, it just kind of give me the jitters. This mug should belong to Hannibal Lecter. Needless to say, I still have this coffee mug and it is even on display on the shelf near my front door.

Merry Coffee Mug Drinking to All and to All a Good Day!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Artic Prevails

Not sure what the title of this post was suppose to mean, but I'm just going with it. This next mug is also part of my collection and came from a thrift store near Sports Arena in San Diego, CA. I remember the day oh so clearly. I walked inside and went straight for the Brick-a-Brack, as I always do, and thought instantly of a nerd when I saw this coffee mug. And here's why:

Okay, so maybe the coffee mug is actually kind of cute, but it still has nerd written ALL over it! Just look at those boxes, one could definitely be graphing and figuring out derivatives in there. And the penguins..don't they remind you vaguely of Tux, the Linux penguin? (please forgive me for knowing that, but I'm currently using Ubuntu.) I guess the question I should be asking is who is the nerd now, the mug or the person who owns the mug and can name nerdy references?

But in all seriousness, this mug is DYNAMITE! Anddd, if you scroll through the pictures really fast it is a little stop motion film.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Rounnnnddd 2

The sad thing about this next coffee mug is that I can't think of a story that goes with this coffee mug...So, I'll make one up.

This next comes to you from when I traveled the seas. Back then I was a crab trapper and would be out at sea for months at a time. Arrrggggghhh! It was a nice sunny day it was when I baited my trap and threw it overboard. A day later we circled back and to my surprise not only were there king crabs in my trap but also a hermit crab who had a coffee mug as his shell!

So here you have it, the coffee mug that once belonged to a hermit crab.

I think the crab has nice taste and picked a good "shell," don't you? Let's take a look at this one to see the design on the other side!

Now this is probably the side of the cup that crab fell in love with.

Goodbye for now. argggghhhhh (just had to get it in one last time)

Just in! Someone requested that this story should have included Sebastian, from The Little Mermaid, with the song, "Sip the Girl!"

ALSO!! I added my email address to the about me section of the blog. Keep sending in those coffee mug pictures!